Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I friggin give up.

Bush wins, anerica loses.

It's amazing. He owns the courts, he owns congress he owns the media.

Cheney runs the government and sets his own rules and is accountable to nobody.. Should be front page friggin news and if you're lucky you catch a little article in the corner of the paper.

the whole Gonzales thing... Havent seen anything at all about that lately.

Bin Laden.... Who cares, I guess

Not to forget Iraq and the lies, 911 that more and more I think our government orchestrated, Katrina, wiretapping, the VA hospital fiasco, torture as the norm, etc etc

And our pack of cowards and liars themselves in congress bend over and wait for him.

And our media prints what he wants them to print and DOESN'T print what he doesn't want to hear

And America want things changed

Where are the investigations, the subpoenas? Christ, Clinton got some head and they were all over him like white on rice. And our congress, the big bad Democrats that were gonna clean house? Nothing. Dribs, drabs, underlings, but why isn't Rove, Cheney, Bush going through the car wash? And what happened to the subpoenas for Meirs and Taylor? Did they and bush say screw you and that was it?

And nobody friggin cares

And if you write congress nobody answers, nobody explains.

there should be an uproar going on right now that can be heard in Iraq. There should be marches and demonstrations and the cry for impeachment should be deafening. These assholes should be rotting in jail for the rest of their days.

Nothing... Crickets

Seig heil I guess is in order. And America deserves it

Monday, June 25, 2007

Top ten reasons to impeach the dick and the bush

Click on the title to go to Buzzflash and see what their readers think are the top ten reasons to impeach the Dynamic Duo of lies and crime

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Let's hope they stick with it

Washington, D.C. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel
issued the following statement regarding his amendment to cut funding
for the Office of the Vice President from the bill that funds the
executive branch. The legislation -- the Financial Services and General
Government Appropriations bill -- will be considered on the floor of
the House of Representatives next week.

"The Vice President has a choice to make. If he believes his legal
case, his office has no business being funded as part of the executive
branch. However, if he demands executive branch funding he cannot
ignore executive branch rules. At the very least, the Vice President
should be consistent. This amendment will ensure that the Vice
President's funding is consistent with his legal arguments. I have
worked closely with my colleagues on this amendment and will continue
to pursue this measure in the coming days."

Frick & Frack

Alternative News Links

The mainstream media IS NOT going to tell us what is really going on in today's society. We are spoon fed corporate propaganda by TV, "newspapers", etc. every day. This site has few places where you can read the other side of the story.

Click title to get there

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bush relates to stem cells cause thats all the brains HE has

Let's see... Don't use stem cells from embryos that would be discarded anyway and the results of research might save millions of lives,because it would be "taking human life" and he's "morally" against it.

3500 Americans killed in Iraq, and 70,000 Iraqi civilians dead, That's OK with him, come on, let's kill more, let's surge, let's kill some Iranians too!

Guess he just wants the embryos to grow up and be able to feel the pain of bullets ripping through them before they die.

But go ahead and support him, you republicans. Nobody override Bush, he's the decider, he's the leader.

Pathetic puppets.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

America: The country where politicians give the finger to the majority of the citizens


Well, at least the comedy's over. We have a one party system, i.e., the Democratic/Republican Party.

Over and over and again the Democratic Congress (what a laugh!) isn't just "Republican Light", it's a dark brew of Cheney/Halliburton and the Bush Royal Family. We elected these clowns to defend our Democratic Republic, but their only concern is power and money.

Oh God, tell us it ain't so! Tell us that aside from a handful of liberal/progressive heroes, the Democratic Party exactly equals the Republican Party. The days of yore when Democrats distanced themselves from Iraq are over forever; since it's now crystal clear the Iraq Oil War (and probably the Iran Oil War to come) is a Democratic/Republican War. It's not just Bush and his fascists & fundamentalists; it's James Carville, the DLC, and Hillary Clinton; it's the MAJORITY of the Democratic Congress. DEMOCRATS want this war just as much as Republicans.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oil companys win again

WASHINGTON — A push from Congress and the White House for huge increases in biofuels, such as ethanol, is prompting the oil industry to scale back its plans to expand refineries. That could keep gasoline prices high, possibly for years to come.

With President Bush calling for a 20 percent reduction in gasoline use and the Senate debating legislation for increases in ethanol production, oil companies say they see growing uncertainty about future gasoline demand and little need to build or expand refineries.


I don't get it

Why is there not a national furor over this administration? Sure if you go to liberal websites or radio stations they talk, yell, sob etc. about it, by why is there not a nationwide scream going out?

Why are the Republicans defending his actions? Don't they understand that he's bringing down the whole party with him? Can't they admit that bad apples are in ANY barrel and do the right thing? It would surely help THEIR image too to get rid of this germ.

Don't Americans see that he's ruined our image around the world and made us either a laughing stock or had US labeled as terrorists in a good portion of the world.

Can't Americans see that he's slowly burning our constitution and everything we ever stood for?

Can't Americans see that there are none now, and never will be, a winner in Iraq? There will just be truckloads of our money and plane loads of dead servicemen.The only way we win is to get out of there before more Americans die for Bush's dreams.

Why do you have to go to blogs or liberal websites to find out whats going on. Has he bought out the media as well?

Why do our representatives just ignore what we want? How can they say "This is what Americans want" about issues like Iraq and wiretapping when every poll shows it's a crock of shit?

Why are we, in general, just shaking our heads and going about our business? Why aren't we screaming for impeachment? Why do we let this administration veto OUR wants and just sigh and say "what can we do?"

We, the Americans that let them get away with these atrocities are just as guilty as the administration that's been taking over our country.

Remember Germany. That was one man, one horrible group of people, who almost ended up ruling the world. Can we not learn from past mistakes?

Recall McCain

If you're from Arizona and want to clean up at least a little bit of the mess that is our government:

go here

White house aides Email records gone

or Geeze. what a shock!

WASHINGTON (AP) — E-mail records are missing for 51 of the 88 White House officials who had electronic message accounts with the Republican National Committee, the House Oversight Committee said Monday.

The Bush administration may have committed "extensive" violations of a law requiring that certain records be preserved, said the committee's Democratic chairman, adding that the panel will deepen its probe into the use of political e-mail accounts.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Dare We Call It Tyranny?

Dare We Call It Tyranny?: "Dare We Call It Tyranny?
by Sheldon Richman, June 15, 2007

The American people’s response to President Bush’s “war on terror” should be … terror. The administration, sometimes with Congress’s complicity:

# is preparing for a 50-year stay in Iraq, complete with 14 military bases and an embassy larger than the Vatican. (Can there be a better recruiting program for al Qaeda?)

# has abolished habeas corpus, the principle that for centuries has protected people from arbitrary confinement, for noncitizens declared to be “enemy combatants.” (While the federal courts have upheld the abolition of habeas corpus for detainees at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere overseas, fortunately an appellate court has just ruled against the administration in the case of a legal U.S. resident, Kahlah al-Marri, arrested in the United States, a ruling the administration is appealing.)

# unilaterally claims the power to use “enhanced interrogation techniques” — torture — on suspected terrorists and to turn them over to foreign governments known to torture prisoners. This has been done to persons later cleared of wrongdoing.

# runs secret CIA prisons in Europe and elsewhere. Thirty-nine persons seized abroad and believed to have been in U.S. custody have disappeared, according to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

# violates our privacy by secretly accessing foreign phone calls, e-mails, and financial and other records — approved, if at all, only by a rubber-stamp “court.”

# conducts searches without notice or judicially issued warrants. The administration’s assurances that it does not engage in misconduct are worth little, considering what has already come to light.

To hold onto the support of the American people for this dictatorial power, the Bush administration has engaged in its own form of terrorism by exposing domestic “plots” involving small rag-tag groups allegedly bent on, among other things, attacking Fort Dix and blowing up fuel tanks and pipelines near JFK International Airport. The pipeline plot, U.S. Attorney Roslynn R. Mauskopf said, “could have resulted in unfathomable damage, deaths and destruction.” Yet people who actually understand these things say this is far-fetched.

It looks as though we are being terrorized by the government. To be sure, there must be a few people in the country who, for whatever reason, talk about blowing something up. But skepticism about these supposed threats is in order: the alleged plotters were exposed by FBI informants trying to get their own criminal sentences reduced. There is a fine line between an informant desperate to cooperate with law enforcement and an agent provocateur — the facts are easily concealed.

The government’s past conduct justifies suspicion. Remember Jose Padilla. He first came to our attention in 2002 when then-Attorney General John Ashcroft interrupted a visit to Russia to make a dramatic television announcement that Padilla, an American citizen, had been seized in Chicago for allegedly planning to detonate a dirty (radiation) bomb in the United States. For years Padilla, a former gang leader who talked big, was held — uncharged — in solitary confinement (tortured and drugged, he says) by the military as an unlawful enemy combatant. When he asked the courts to review his detention, the Bush administration objected on grounds that Padilla was entitled to no protections accorded criminal defendants. He eventually got his case into court, but an initially favorable decision was reversed on appeal. Before the Supreme Court could hear the case, the government moved it to the civilian courts, and Padilla is now standing trial. But he was not charged with plotting to set off a dirty bomb in the United States. Instead, he was charged with planning to commit terrorism in other countries. The U.S. government is the world’s policeman.

Avoiding the Supreme Court by taking Padilla to criminal trial enabled the administration to protect its power to hold “enemy combatants” without charge indefinitely, but now the al-Marri ruling makes it a virtual certainty the issue will go to the Supreme Court. If the administration prevails, Padilla’s acquittal wouldn’t guarantee his freedom.

Presidential power grabs and unlikely plots: if this doesn’t add up to tyranny, what would?

Sheldon Richman is senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation, author of Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State, and editor of The Freeman magazine. Visit his blog “Free Association” at www.sheldonrichman.com. Send him email.

That's my bushie, head up ass as usual

Boy, for a bunch that's doing nothing wrong, they sure as hell don't want to be checked up on. I don't know what they're hiding (well I DO, but...)

and negotiation with the friggin bush administration? Since when do we have to negotiate with these assholes to get evidence in an investigation??
Kyl blocks domestic surveillance subpoenas.

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) yesterday blocked Judiciary Committee vote on whether to authorize subpoenas to obtain secret documents related to the NSA’s warrantless domestic surveillance program. Kyl’s action “will block the vote for a week,” after which the Committee will “decide whether to issue the subpoenas or use them as leverage in negotiations with the Bush administration over access to the documents.” June 15, 2007 1:21 pm

Friday, June 15, 2007

Deja Vu

This is a post I made almost 2 years ago on another website I used to have. Sad thing is, it still applies

I am sick of my country. I love what our country started out being, I love what our forefathers meant for our country to be, what it could have still been if not for greed and stupidity.

I hate what it's become.

I hate politicians that wage their own private battles against each other's party, and WE'RE the casualties of that war.

I hate the fact that we've turned into the world's bully.

I hate the companies that have become the leaders of our country with their lobbies, profits from OUR pockets, and their influence on our country.

I hate voters that blindly follow their party no matter what they do.

I hate the far right conservatives AND the far left liberals.

I hate the fact that we've stopped having a government by the people and for the people.

I hate the fact that it doesn't matter where we WANT our tax dollars to go, they're going to pork bloated who-gives-a-fuck projects that apparently are filling our so-called representatives pockets.

I hate that our representative aren't representing us anymore.

I hate our president and our vice president. They've been the biggest mistake that we've made in history. Two oil people running the country. Is it no surprise that we're in our second war in 5 years in oil producing countries, and the oil companies are all reporting record profits? Talk about the kids running the candy store.

I hate the war, it's only purpose is to get the people WE support (and who will support us) into office there so Bush can have all the influence he can get in the oilfields there. I support the troops entirely, in fact I'm scared to death for them. Honor the troops, good idea... let them come home... on their own two feet, not in a box... and rejoin their families.

I hate that the so-called reason for said wars is still running free. Remember Osama?

And I hate the fact that there seems to be nothing we can do about it anymore.

Sure you'll say "then leave". Shades of Vietnam... "Love it or leave it"

Sure, that's constructive. That solves the problem. Idiots. How bout "Love it, leave it, or fix it"

I'd rather you tell me how it can be fixed. The people here have the money to fix most anything, if the politicians and businesses keep their greedy sweaty pig-hands out of the pot.

Don't tell me to write my representatives. I have, on at least three occasions, got a form letter out of one of them, once. Apparently McCain, Flake, and Kyl can't be bothered.

Don't tell me to vote, I do that, even though last time the choices were pretty slim, the monkeyman or Lurch.

I love America... I love Americans. I hate, I detest, I loath what the American government has become. I'd love to be proud of America again. That would take cleaning house entirely and getting honest people in office.

Could it happen? It could. Will it? I doubt that. Power is expensive, and honesty doesn't pay as well as greed, lying and selling out the office you're running for before you even have it.

I can wish... I can hope...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Scooter riding

I dunno, best possible scenario in my mind is for Libby to go to jail, and have bush say well screw this, if I pardon him I'll get lynched. Ol Scooter figures he got the short end of the stick and will get the long end of a few sticks in prison and decides to sing like a bird in return for a much shortened sentence and implicates the whole freakin bunch of em, including bush and cheney, and that starts the grand slide to impeachment-land.

I can dream, can't I?

By the way


National Resources
US Congress
The Congressional switchboard# is

Tell your representatives what you want done. DEMAND your country back. DEMAND that bush's crews must testify under oath. DEMAND we stay out of Iran and not listen to the latest batch of crap being throw by that weird little man, the representative from Israel, Lieberman (I'm originally from Connecticut, he sucked then, he sucks now). Remind them of what happened in the '06 elections, and remind them that they goddamn well still work for US and not bush, and remind them that they'll be out of a job in 2008 if they don't friggin start listening!

It's your country, have a say in it.

subpoenas and other nocturnal emissions

Well let's see what the bushmonster will do about this (like we don't know). We know he wants nothing to do with having people in the know testify under oath cause he knows that Rove and possibly bush would fry. Let's see if he gets away once again with dictating the law of the country, or the courts and congress will turn American and not let him get away with it.

Being the magnanimous dictator that he is, he has agreed to have his bushmonkeys testify "in private without an oath and without a transcript" so they can lie as usual and not be charged with doing it under oath.

Bullshit. Feet to the fire and quick or he'll just run out the clock with his batch of new lawyers that WE have to pay for.

I hope the country doesn't cave at his feet again, although I'm losing faith in ANY of the values that made America the great country it USED to be.

Then again,maybe if he gets diarrhea he'll drown all the republicans in congress that have their their heads up his ass and we can take our country back....

Pretty sick when my biggest wet dream is to see bush and company behind bars. WHATS HAPPENED TO ME!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals

Lest we've forgotten all the little turds that has made up this gigantic pile of shit we call an administration:

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals