Friday, June 15, 2007

Deja Vu

This is a post I made almost 2 years ago on another website I used to have. Sad thing is, it still applies

I am sick of my country. I love what our country started out being, I love what our forefathers meant for our country to be, what it could have still been if not for greed and stupidity.

I hate what it's become.

I hate politicians that wage their own private battles against each other's party, and WE'RE the casualties of that war.

I hate the fact that we've turned into the world's bully.

I hate the companies that have become the leaders of our country with their lobbies, profits from OUR pockets, and their influence on our country.

I hate voters that blindly follow their party no matter what they do.

I hate the far right conservatives AND the far left liberals.

I hate the fact that we've stopped having a government by the people and for the people.

I hate the fact that it doesn't matter where we WANT our tax dollars to go, they're going to pork bloated who-gives-a-fuck projects that apparently are filling our so-called representatives pockets.

I hate that our representative aren't representing us anymore.

I hate our president and our vice president. They've been the biggest mistake that we've made in history. Two oil people running the country. Is it no surprise that we're in our second war in 5 years in oil producing countries, and the oil companies are all reporting record profits? Talk about the kids running the candy store.

I hate the war, it's only purpose is to get the people WE support (and who will support us) into office there so Bush can have all the influence he can get in the oilfields there. I support the troops entirely, in fact I'm scared to death for them. Honor the troops, good idea... let them come home... on their own two feet, not in a box... and rejoin their families.

I hate that the so-called reason for said wars is still running free. Remember Osama?

And I hate the fact that there seems to be nothing we can do about it anymore.

Sure you'll say "then leave". Shades of Vietnam... "Love it or leave it"

Sure, that's constructive. That solves the problem. Idiots. How bout "Love it, leave it, or fix it"

I'd rather you tell me how it can be fixed. The people here have the money to fix most anything, if the politicians and businesses keep their greedy sweaty pig-hands out of the pot.

Don't tell me to write my representatives. I have, on at least three occasions, got a form letter out of one of them, once. Apparently McCain, Flake, and Kyl can't be bothered.

Don't tell me to vote, I do that, even though last time the choices were pretty slim, the monkeyman or Lurch.

I love America... I love Americans. I hate, I detest, I loath what the American government has become. I'd love to be proud of America again. That would take cleaning house entirely and getting honest people in office.

Could it happen? It could. Will it? I doubt that. Power is expensive, and honesty doesn't pay as well as greed, lying and selling out the office you're running for before you even have it.

I can wish... I can hope...

1 comment:

LET'S TALK said...

Great post Bob, I couldn't have said it better myself.