Monday, April 30, 2007

Want to get sick? click this title

Here's bushie boy's 2007 budget. Note that Defense is 439 billion out out a total of 870 billion. Note that defense spending went up 24% and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education went down 4%. Guess the pen ISN'T mightier that the sword... By the way,this is between 2006 and 2007, boys and girls, not prewar to now!

Look it over. Here's your tax dollars at work.

Oh boy, now lets go invade Iran and Syria!

What happened to representation? It's lost in Arizona.

I have in my state two senators, McCain and Kyl. I have a "representative", Flake. The three of them are as useless as tits on a bull. I write them regularly, and to date McCain and Kyl haven't even deemed it necessary to acknowledge that I exist, and Flake has answered with a couple of form letters.

Now I know it takes up a lot of time pimping the war whore president's agendas and it MUST be hard to do much with their noses up his ass, but why the hell do people say "write your congressmen" when I'd get the same results picking lint from my bellybutton.

McCain is also doing double duty what with his campaigning and all, the poor man doesn't even have time to do the job he's being overpaid to do, how dare we expect him to vote or do things in Washington that senators are expected to do. It's not that he'll ever win any election or anything, he's been kissing up to bush too much for that, you're known by the company you keep.

Kyl, you know he was one pubic hair from losing the last election, so he also knows his days are numbered in '08.

ahhh, '08.... good riddance to bad trash, the house will be cleaned and democrat or republican, we've got to fare better then having all of you. And getting rid of bush and MadDog cheney and rice, the thoughts are almost orgasmic.

Plus I look forward to the future when everything will come out about the administration's reign of stupidity, greed and terror, and they will be disgraced to a point that will make Nixon look like a saint. And the three of you can ride the coattails of THAT whole trainwreck.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Things I don't get

Why, when a clear majority of Americans want out of Bush's war, do the republicans keep there noses up bush's ass and follow him? He's out in at most a year and a half, and at best whenever we get the balls to impeach him and his pet bulldog. Then these "loyal bushies" are in a world of hurt.

How do we "win" this war?

Don't tell me the "terrorists will follow us here" if we leave there. NOW would seems to be the best time for then to "follow us here" when most of our boys (and girls) are over there fighting their friggin civil war. If and when they come has nothing to do with any war, it's not like their stretching THEIR armed forces, all they need is a moron with a bomb up his butt.

Why haven't these yahoos we call an administration been impeached, if for nothing else (and there's plenty else) than for conning us into a war that takes our soldiers lives for what? So we could spread bush's brand of democracy over there? Hell, he's taking away OUR democracy here, HE'S the expert?. We wanted Saddam,. we got Saddam, what the hell else do we want? Their "government" is content to let us fight the war, reconstruct, and do whatever else we're stupid enough to do and pay for. To an common Iraqi, WE'RE the terrorists, WE invaded their country, WE killed their people. Haven't seen a whole lot of cheering over there for us "liberators".

What about Tillman?

What about Osama?

What about New Orleans?

What about Habeas Corpus?

what about wiretapping?

What HAS he done right?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rudy,Rudy... Grow a brain

Tuesday Giuliani was in Manchester, NH and said that a Democratic presidential win in 2008 would almost certainly ensure another terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11. But ol Rudy knows how to prevent it.... “If any Republican is elected president —- and I think obviously I would be the best at this — we will remain on offense and will anticipate what [the terrorists] will do and try to stop them before they do it.”

The guy's got the smarts of a chipmunk. (sorry, chipmunks)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well well, Rove being investigated by the Office of Special Councel. This is a good thing.


I can't say I'm feeling real confident that this will be too impartial with one of bush's boys, Bloch, investigating one of Bush's boys, Rove. Hope congress keeps an eye on the whole thing, hate for it to turn into a good ol boy get-together that does nothing useful.

where's Kenneth Starr when you need him.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sound familiar?

left or right, there's the difference

Let's see Democrats have a bill that has a non binding withdrawal date.
bush wants money, damn the troops, they'll stay as long as He want because HE's the and will veto the bill because it's not 100 percent what HE wants.

He says the Democrats are putting the troops at risk.

if he signed the bill, the money would flow.... and the withdrawal would be nonbinding...

If he doesn't it's the Democrat's fault that they don't get the funding needed...

Guess it comes down to don't screw with King bush and Queen cheney because THAT'S all that matters, the troops are just a convenient excuse to him. What the hell, the troops have been screwed by bush ever since the war started, why should he give a damn now?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Let's go back... way back... September 2001. We all know the horrible acts that Osama bin Laden masterminded... We attack Afghanistan... Then all of a sudden bush and his Cronies are pushing for Iraq and it's WMD's and boom, we're shocking and aweing the hell out of them. Axis of evil and all that rot... Gotta get Saddam, gotta get Saddam

We got Saddam. Rarely hear about Osama any more except for when he puts out a video.

Why the switch? Why after Saddam swung are we still there. bush got what he wanted, Daddy's nemesis.

What is a "won" war, what's bush's criteria. Does HE tell us when it's time to leave?

What about Osama?

Is there a limit to the Americans who die in Iraq, or is that "at the president's pleasure" too?

How do we win? No timelines, ok fine. Throw us a bone, give us an idea, I tend not to feel comfortable thinking that the answer is in bush's tiny little brain and there alone. All we're supposed to do is keep throwing money and lives in until.....when?

What about Osama.....

The Beginning

Just another of millions of blogs from people who love our country and hate what Bush is doing to it. I hope that Republicans read this so they can explain why they support this idiot and his highly dangerous crony Cheney. I know Republicans that always go back to "well yeah but Clinton.......". I don't care about Clinton, or at least Bill Clinton, at this point, any more than I do about Bush the first , Carter, or anything else before W. I'm developing a deep sense of disgust for this administration because they seem about as legal as Al Capone, and as moral as Attila the Hub.

I always have been an independent because I hate people on either end of the spectrum who are just political puppets who follow blindly. I've always been able to find the good and the bad in either party, but truthfully lately I'm having problems digging up anything on the conservative side.

So yes, this is a Bush-Bashing blog, but please explain why it shouldn't be. I'm still an independent at heart, I really don't have anything against conservatives, just those who can't see that being against bush ISN'T necessarily being against Republicans and DEFINITELY not against our troops. More to come.