Monday, April 30, 2007

Want to get sick? click this title

Here's bushie boy's 2007 budget. Note that Defense is 439 billion out out a total of 870 billion. Note that defense spending went up 24% and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education went down 4%. Guess the pen ISN'T mightier that the sword... By the way,this is between 2006 and 2007, boys and girls, not prewar to now!

Look it over. Here's your tax dollars at work.

Oh boy, now lets go invade Iran and Syria!


LET'S TALK said...

What is really sad is most of this 439 billion will be lost and some even given away.

How long will America take this from Bush and his Administration?

Bob said...

The really sad part is, take half of that money and spread it around and we could have National health care, feed all the hungry in our own country, improve education immensely, and take care of the disabled veterans that were made disabled because of this idiotic war.