Monday, April 23, 2007

Let's go back... way back... September 2001. We all know the horrible acts that Osama bin Laden masterminded... We attack Afghanistan... Then all of a sudden bush and his Cronies are pushing for Iraq and it's WMD's and boom, we're shocking and aweing the hell out of them. Axis of evil and all that rot... Gotta get Saddam, gotta get Saddam

We got Saddam. Rarely hear about Osama any more except for when he puts out a video.

Why the switch? Why after Saddam swung are we still there. bush got what he wanted, Daddy's nemesis.

What is a "won" war, what's bush's criteria. Does HE tell us when it's time to leave?

What about Osama?

Is there a limit to the Americans who die in Iraq, or is that "at the president's pleasure" too?

How do we win? No timelines, ok fine. Throw us a bone, give us an idea, I tend not to feel comfortable thinking that the answer is in bush's tiny little brain and there alone. All we're supposed to do is keep throwing money and lives in until.....when?

What about Osama.....

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