Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I friggin give up.

Bush wins, anerica loses.

It's amazing. He owns the courts, he owns congress he owns the media.

Cheney runs the government and sets his own rules and is accountable to nobody.. Should be front page friggin news and if you're lucky you catch a little article in the corner of the paper.

the whole Gonzales thing... Havent seen anything at all about that lately.

Bin Laden.... Who cares, I guess

Not to forget Iraq and the lies, 911 that more and more I think our government orchestrated, Katrina, wiretapping, the VA hospital fiasco, torture as the norm, etc etc

And our pack of cowards and liars themselves in congress bend over and wait for him.

And our media prints what he wants them to print and DOESN'T print what he doesn't want to hear

And America want things changed

Where are the investigations, the subpoenas? Christ, Clinton got some head and they were all over him like white on rice. And our congress, the big bad Democrats that were gonna clean house? Nothing. Dribs, drabs, underlings, but why isn't Rove, Cheney, Bush going through the car wash? And what happened to the subpoenas for Meirs and Taylor? Did they and bush say screw you and that was it?

And nobody friggin cares

And if you write congress nobody answers, nobody explains.

there should be an uproar going on right now that can be heard in Iraq. There should be marches and demonstrations and the cry for impeachment should be deafening. These assholes should be rotting in jail for the rest of their days.

Nothing... Crickets

Seig heil I guess is in order. And America deserves it


LET'S TALK said...

We must understand that America allowed the neocons, the conservative, the evangelical Christians and the right wing talk radio host and media to dictate to us what was right or wrong in this country for the passed seven years.

If we got out of line, they quickly outtalked us and labelled us as traitors, not being for America.

We have been under a fascist regime and we allowed it , so don't worry be happy.

The Gatekeeper said...

It's strange how people see things so different. I'm very happy and I hope you find your own peace. Stay strong. and don't give up. I guess you talking up "stuff" against this administration (and allowed to) is what makes America not a fascist nation.