OK, I can't stand Bush, not a surprise to anyone. Cheney, scum with nothing resembling a conscience. Congress is turning out to be useless too
But this post are about probably one of the biggest majorities in the country and the one that can do the most damage... The uninformed and/or lazy sheep.
How many people know ANYTHING at all about what's going on in America, what Bush is trying to take over today, what Congress is letting him get away with, who Blackwater is shooting this week, SCHIPS, Telcom immunity, the buffet of bullshit coming from the white house, the ball-less wonders in Congress....
A lot of American's live in a little protective bubble and read about non-threatening things like Hollywood, who's in rehab, who's pregnant, who's getting married/divorced. Or even worse they read about the issues but they read it on slanted sites like Fox, and ONLY fox and get an injection of propaganda without having the antidote, rounded knowledge.
Hard to blame them though, the media sucks. They give you crap for news because that's what their sponsors want them to give you, what's what the politicians want them to give you, and they go where the money and power is.
Dig, people, don't take ONLY Fox, MSNBC or CNN's word for ANYTHING. Read around. I HATE Fox News, but I read it every day, because Momma always told me to keep my friends close, but my enemies closer.
You wouldn't leave your doors unlocked and go to work, you don't want your possessions stolen, or ruined right? How indignant and furious would you be if someone broke in? Well this is your COUNTRY fer crissakes, it's your property too, and when you're not informed and involved, you're leaving it's doors unlocked and you see the kind of scum that walks in and steals your rights and money!
Read, People dig for the answers... Question... Get pissed... Don't sit on your asses and watch America go under because it's not affecting you at the moment, it's too good for a fate like that. Watch the evildoers inside our country AND out. I mean terrorists, sure, but I mean Bush and Cheney and Rove and everyone that's counting on scaring the bejesus out of you about Terrorists at your door, so you'll follow them and give them money and give them power and let them do the only thing they know, go to war.
On the flip side, watch Congress. Watch the useless Democrats cave time and time again, and watch the Republicans weave a protective layer around bush and his atrocities. Remember that in a years time you can KEEP the status quo and watch America finally crumble, or you can find people that do the job they're elected to do, represent YOU, not Big oil and Drug companies, not Tobacco, not lobbyists. Do watch, though for those few gems that DO the job and do it well, in 2008 you can show your appreciation by letting them lead the way again.
Vote Democrat if you can, vote Republican if you must, but at lease vote informed. Don't give away yet another right or someday you'll wake up and have none left.
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1 comment:
My take is that they like to keep us busy, working so we can scrape by on the bills, so that the only thing we feel up to is watching America's Next Top Model.
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