Saturday, November 24, 2007

Election '2008

Here's my views on the main candidates Democrats first since I fervently hope they win. These aren't views on the issues, just gut feelings.

Clinton - I don't trust her and I don't trust the media's and Republican's attention on her. After the last 8 years I want to have confidence that the president isn't out to screw the country, and I couldn't dig that up for her. She's almost like a mini-neocon

Obama - I like the guy. He seems trustworthy. Definitely better than Clinton. A little rough-around-the-political-edges, he falls for the media-Clinton baiting too much, but he'd be my second choice among the frontrunners.

Edwards - He's my first choice. He seems honest, knowledgeable,and doesn't seem wishy-washy.He says the same today as he did yesterday, unlike Clinton. Without the media attention, unfortunately, I doubt that he stands a chance.

Kucinich is really my utmost favorite and I'd vote for him in a new york minute. He seems to be a mirror of the candidate I'd make up from scratch if I could. But here in Paris-hilton land where looks, boobs and square jaws are higher on the list of priorities than brains,integrity, and common sense unfortunately I can't see him winning. (Plus he's got an incredible wife, who has killer looks and more brains than the entire Bush administration).

Now for the Republicans, who all seem to be the Black Forces, and I can't ever see myself voting for...

I guess Romney would be first choice mainly cause he's the lesser of the evils

Giuliani - this guys scares me. Anyone who depends on the pain and suffering of the victims of 911 to show how wonderful he is, is lower than whaleshit in my view. If you have a platform, stand on it. His platform changes every time the polls do.
This guy could only bring our country down the rest of the way to oblivion. Hell the firefighters and cops in NYC dont even like him. Hell his KIDS dont even like him. I think I'd vote for Jeb Bush over him.

McCain - He's not good bad or otherwise, he's just useless. I've had him for a congressman since I've been in Arizona, written to him countless times about issues and never heard back from him. He's missed so many votes I was wondering if he was dead, but he keeps showing up in the news (unfortunately not in the Arizona news, since he does nothing worthwhile here)

And then... Ron Paul... He's sorta like the bag-o-shit on Woot, Seems like something good, can get excited over it, but still, could be just that... a bag-o-shit. His views seem somewhat exciting, getting some of the power out of Washington, especially after the incredible butt-holes we've had there since 2000... I hear good, I hear bad, I hear good. I just don't know.

That's it, a definitely unscientific poll of one

1 comment:

andrew said...


I like your ideas. Kucinich, say what you want, he isn't winning. Giuliani is a real asshole for using the deaths of 911 firefighters for the benefit of his own campaign.Barack's not gona make it cuz he doesn't have all of conservative backing and not all of the black civil rights ppl behind him.

It's sorta pointless .....Hillary's gonna win period. My polls reflect that and that's with only about 20 ppl. Just have a lot of women voting at the polls and she's got it.