Sunday, December 9, 2007

state of the union... close to dead

I don't know... Dems are ready to cave again to the American Abortion bush... Reps are just disgusting fear mongering assholes... Media has the push on for Clinton and Romney (they had it for the so-called American Mayor, but he's screwed up so many times even THEY cant make it all better)

I've pretty much decided to go for Ron Paul.

At least his ideas aren't more-of-the-same, and they don't change daily.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Americans (?)

OK, I can't stand Bush, not a surprise to anyone. Cheney, scum with nothing resembling a conscience. Congress is turning out to be useless too

But this post are about probably one of the biggest majorities in the country and the one that can do the most damage... The uninformed and/or lazy sheep.

How many people know ANYTHING at all about what's going on in America, what Bush is trying to take over today, what Congress is letting him get away with, who Blackwater is shooting this week, SCHIPS, Telcom immunity, the buffet of bullshit coming from the white house, the ball-less wonders in Congress....

A lot of American's live in a little protective bubble and read about non-threatening things like Hollywood, who's in rehab, who's pregnant, who's getting married/divorced. Or even worse they read about the issues but they read it on slanted sites like Fox, and ONLY fox and get an injection of propaganda without having the antidote, rounded knowledge.

Hard to blame them though, the media sucks. They give you crap for news because that's what their sponsors want them to give you, what's what the politicians want them to give you, and they go where the money and power is.

Dig, people, don't take ONLY Fox, MSNBC or CNN's word for ANYTHING. Read around. I HATE Fox News, but I read it every day, because Momma always told me to keep my friends close, but my enemies closer.

You wouldn't leave your doors unlocked and go to work, you don't want your possessions stolen, or ruined right? How indignant and furious would you be if someone broke in? Well this is your COUNTRY fer crissakes, it's your property too, and when you're not informed and involved, you're leaving it's doors unlocked and you see the kind of scum that walks in and steals your rights and money!

Read, People dig for the answers... Question... Get pissed... Don't sit on your asses and watch America go under because it's not affecting you at the moment, it's too good for a fate like that. Watch the evildoers inside our country AND out. I mean terrorists, sure, but I mean Bush and Cheney and Rove and everyone that's counting on scaring the bejesus out of you about Terrorists at your door, so you'll follow them and give them money and give them power and let them do the only thing they know, go to war.

On the flip side, watch Congress. Watch the useless Democrats cave time and time again, and watch the Republicans weave a protective layer around bush and his atrocities. Remember that in a years time you can KEEP the status quo and watch America finally crumble, or you can find people that do the job they're elected to do, represent YOU, not Big oil and Drug companies, not Tobacco, not lobbyists. Do watch, though for those few gems that DO the job and do it well, in 2008 you can show your appreciation by letting them lead the way again.

Vote Democrat if you can, vote Republican if you must, but at lease vote informed. Don't give away yet another right or someday you'll wake up and have none left.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

At the home front...

Now I just don't bitch about the losers in Washington, here in Gilbert we have our small town/big town problems too. Right now it's a debate over who has control over your property.

We have businesses who put fliers on your house door. They hire people to walk around putting this junk on your doorknob. in your screen, on your garage, wherever. Some people, myself included, don't want this litter, and consider it trespassing. Others want these fliers. Businesses whine that this is a major source of their advertising and they'll go out of business without it.

The town council is debating the whole thing.

I say that my property starts at my property line, and the only ones that should be on it are invited guests, whether friends or businesses that are invited BY ME to be on it or emergency/utility personnel. I don't think people have a right to cut across my yard and put junk on my door. If they hurt themselves, I'll be responsible. The fliers come off and go scattering across the neighborhood. and dammit, I bought my house and if I don't want this crap, I shouldn't have people on my property leaving it.

The town council and chamber of commerce say "but businesses need it". Who gives a crap, other businesses take out ads or find other ways to advertise, they're just too damn cheap to do that, they'd rather pay someone 5 bucks and hour to leave their litter. Since when does their profit override my rights to have who I damn please and NOT have who I damn please on my property.

Even in smaller political ecosystems I guess lobbyists (Joe Blows Landscaping) have more rights than a citizen. And I guess that politicians are politicians whether it's Bush protecting his buddies at the phone companies, or a town council protecting Joe's right to leave crap on my door.

The council is debating the whole thing. We'll see.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Election '2008

Here's my views on the main candidates Democrats first since I fervently hope they win. These aren't views on the issues, just gut feelings.

Clinton - I don't trust her and I don't trust the media's and Republican's attention on her. After the last 8 years I want to have confidence that the president isn't out to screw the country, and I couldn't dig that up for her. She's almost like a mini-neocon

Obama - I like the guy. He seems trustworthy. Definitely better than Clinton. A little rough-around-the-political-edges, he falls for the media-Clinton baiting too much, but he'd be my second choice among the frontrunners.

Edwards - He's my first choice. He seems honest, knowledgeable,and doesn't seem wishy-washy.He says the same today as he did yesterday, unlike Clinton. Without the media attention, unfortunately, I doubt that he stands a chance.

Kucinich is really my utmost favorite and I'd vote for him in a new york minute. He seems to be a mirror of the candidate I'd make up from scratch if I could. But here in Paris-hilton land where looks, boobs and square jaws are higher on the list of priorities than brains,integrity, and common sense unfortunately I can't see him winning. (Plus he's got an incredible wife, who has killer looks and more brains than the entire Bush administration).

Now for the Republicans, who all seem to be the Black Forces, and I can't ever see myself voting for...

I guess Romney would be first choice mainly cause he's the lesser of the evils

Giuliani - this guys scares me. Anyone who depends on the pain and suffering of the victims of 911 to show how wonderful he is, is lower than whaleshit in my view. If you have a platform, stand on it. His platform changes every time the polls do.
This guy could only bring our country down the rest of the way to oblivion. Hell the firefighters and cops in NYC dont even like him. Hell his KIDS dont even like him. I think I'd vote for Jeb Bush over him.

McCain - He's not good bad or otherwise, he's just useless. I've had him for a congressman since I've been in Arizona, written to him countless times about issues and never heard back from him. He's missed so many votes I was wondering if he was dead, but he keeps showing up in the news (unfortunately not in the Arizona news, since he does nothing worthwhile here)

And then... Ron Paul... He's sorta like the bag-o-shit on Woot, Seems like something good, can get excited over it, but still, could be just that... a bag-o-shit. His views seem somewhat exciting, getting some of the power out of Washington, especially after the incredible butt-holes we've had there since 2000... I hear good, I hear bad, I hear good. I just don't know.

That's it, a definitely unscientific poll of one

Friday, November 16, 2007

Wish I may and wish I might

Remember when you were a kid, and you looked up to your president as the "leader of the free world"?

Remember when you were a kid and you felt safe because you were an American?

Remember when you were a kid and you knew the world looked up to us as an example of how democracy should work?

Remember when you were a kid and you weren't quite sure what went on in government, but it worked?

Remember when you were a kid and you learned all about the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the government, and the way there were checks and balances between the three?

Isn't it too bad that our kids won't be able to have these kinds of memories?

Place your bets, Folks

Well, we have the FISA bill, we have the SCHIPS bill still wallowing, and of course Bush's all important money for his illegal war. We have the republicans spouting their usual trash about terror lurking in every corner, and supporting our troops by allowing them to get killed longer, and who cares about kids, we need to money to support our troops by letting them die some more (sort of a circular kinda thing. Also we have their outrage that anyone would dare sue the Telcoms just for doing Bush's dirty deeds. How dare we sue them, and anyway God knows we don't want them to spill the beans on the dank secrets about how badly the constitution and our rights to privacy are being screwed.

We have the Democrats "standing strong" about everything, and looking almost like representatives.

Now the bets are, what date will they cave on everything. I bet before the end of the year chimpy and Darth have the whole shebang, the phone companies will celebrate their new found immunity by raising our rates, kids will continue without insurance, and of course our troops will keep on dying so that Big Oil can keep its greasy hand in Iraq.

Heres a bet I fervently hope I lose...

Remember, Congress, no you cant beat a veto, but you can damn sure do a Pelosi and take things off the table that Bush wants.

Oh, that's right, Pelosi only tables impeachment....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Poor phone companies

So Bush thinks they should have immunity because they were working off his office's orders? Please explain this. They betray their customers because bush says they should even thought it's obviously against our constitutional rights. If Bush said they should cut off service to anyone who disagreed with him would they have? Nope, that would have cut into profits, THEIR little God.
They have lawyers, they have no problem using them if you don't pay your bill. Qwest had lawyers and they said Uh-uh, no, it's against the law and they decided not to do it.

Bush just wants to give them a mass pardon because they were good bushies, and by the way if they decided to talk, we'd find out how badly Bush has trampled our rights.

Last I knew we had a right to sue people who have infringed on our rights, and it's up to a judge to decide whether the lawsuit was justified. But that's not bush's way, is it. Cover up, threaten, tear up that damn constitution that keeps getting in his way.

I say let the law decide, not that bunch of neocons that seem to be trying to turn the country into their kingdom We have laws. Follow them or pay the penalty.

Back again

I haven't been posting lately mainly because I've been in the American Funk i.e. why bother, who in the government cares, the Republicans are just pure assholes, and the democrats have been castrated by bush & Co.

All that's still true, and in reality I have been writing to Congress, the Judiciary committee, etc. But I decided if I'm the only one who reads what I write that I'd better write now while I still can, before Bush gets his Gestapo together to come take our computers away and throw us in his concentration camps.

So I'll be writing more frequently so at least in my own mind what I think is out there in the blog world.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Declaration of Independence 2007

From My fight for democracy

New Declaration of Independence 2007

I think the Declaration of Independence needs to be modified to fit our current world conditions.

Declaration of Independence
[Adapted In The United States Of America July 4, 2007]

The Unanimous Declaration of the Citizens United States of America From the George W Bush Administration, Corporate Control, Shadow Government, Right Wing Main Stream Media and The Military Industrial Complex

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government. The history of the present President of the United States is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
He has forbidden his Congress to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation With Signing Statements till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to Obey them.
He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has Divided representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; With Voter Caging and Suppression of Votes, whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
He has endeavored to Increase the population of these states; for that purpose
Ignoring the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and Lowering the conditions of Seeking Employment In The U.S.A, Therefore Driving Down The Wages Of The Working Class.
He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.
He has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
He Has Misled The American Citizens To Invade A Sovereign Nation To Gain Control Of Their Oil Resources At The Expense Of Taxpayer Funds And The Lives Of Our Young Men And Women In The Military.
He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.

He has combined with Corporations And The Free Press to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
For protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states:
For cutting off FAIR trade with all parts of the world:
For imposing taxes on While Lowering Taxes On The Most Wealthy Among us without our consent:
For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury:
For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses:

For abolishing the free system of Constitutional laws in a neighboring States, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these States:

For taking away our Freedoms, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments:
For Hamstringing our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war Against Foreign Nations.
He has Ignored Our Citizens On Our Ravaged Gulf Coasts, Torn Down Our Educational System, and destroyed the lives of our people.
He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy of the head of a civilized nation.
He has constrained our Fellow Citizens And Citizens Of Other Nations taken captive In All Lands to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections Of Foreign Nations, and has endeavored to bring on the Civil Discourse In Iraq And The Middle East Oil Producing Nations, whose known Rule Does Not Conform With Our Democratic System.
In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A President, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the Leader of a free people.
Nor have we been wanting in attention to our Republican brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our Disappointment With Them. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.

We, therefore, the Citizens of the United States of America, in Objection To The Current Administration Are , assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these States, solemnly publish and declare, that these united Citizens are, and of right ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the George W Bush Administration, and that all political connection between them and the state of Corporate Oligarchy, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Senator Ben Nelson Votes With Panel Republicans to Restore Funding For Vice President's Office

We can't keep fighting stupid-ass democrats along with the stupid-ass republicans. This from Fox news

WASHINGTON — The White House scored a win Thursday on Capitol Hill after a moderate Senate Democrat broke with his party to restore funding for Vice President Dick Cheney's office.

The 15-14 vote in the Senate Appropriations Committee came after the House last month narrowly rejected a companion bid to punish Cheney in a continuing battle over whether he is complying with national security disclosure rules.

Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., switched his position from a subcommittee vote Tuesday.

Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate and the author of a bill funding the White House budget and other agencies, had refused to fund the vice president's $4.8 million budget, arguing that Cheney's office is refusing to comply with parts of an executive order governing its handling of classified information.

At issue is a requirement that executive branch offices provide data on how much material they classify and declassify. That information is to be provided to the Information Security Oversight Office at The National Archives.
Cheney's office, backed up by a letter Thursday from White House Counsel Fred Fielding, insists the offices of the president and vice president are exempt from the order because they are not executive branch "agencies."

Cheney's staff had complied with a similar executive order issue by President Clinton, but more recently it has rebuffed the archives.

Democrats have had less to say about the issue at hand than what they contend is a continuing pattern of Cheney's bullying in his wielding of power both inside the administration and in his dealings with Congress.

"There's a developing sensitivity about the arrogance of power," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. "Shape up, adhere to the law."

Nelson, who cited Fielding's letter when he changed his position, often votes with the White House. It didn't hurt the vice president's cause that Cheney bypassed opportunities to attack Nelson in his re-election campaign last year.

"The president has the power and authority to issue executive orders to do exactly what he wants," said Nelson, a former governor.

Cheney spokeswoman Megan McGinn said, "We are pleased to see the Senate Appropriations Committee reject this political stunt."

"Had the vice president spent as much time attempting to comply with the executive order and work with the National Archives as he did lobbying senators, we would have easily resolved this important issue this week," said Durbin spokesman Joe Shoemaker.

The tempest originally attracted widespread media attention after Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., charged that Cheney's office's had originally argued to the Archives that it did not have to comply with the order because it was not "an entity within the executive branch."

The 15-14 Appropriations Committee vote to restore Cheney's budget came as the panel approved a bill that funds the White House budget, among other agencies.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

same story, different day

Let's see... this week he ordered his lackeys to ignore the subpoenas... we find he stifled the surgeon general on health issues... he stands firm on his ridiculous American-killing war... He's browbeating his puppets to make sure they do his bidding and keep time lines at bay

Options, cut off funding for the war, he'll veto it and the neocon puppets will make sure it doesn't pass... Impeach, same thing... what to do.

I almost hope we don't have the time to get him now just for the fact that when he's not president, and democrats are in office he could be tried for criminal acts and there'd be nobody to pardon him and his monster buddy. Although I seem to remember they snuck something through for that eventuality to hold them blameless, does anyone remember that? If so, let me know, I'm old and the memory goes...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hang the sonsabitches

One thing the Chinese do that we need here. If they're corrupt, execute 'em.
...Although we'd have a pretty empty white house, congress, and supreme court...
... which in itself would help our government...

Beijing - China on Tuesday executed Zheng Xiaoyu, the former director of its State Food and Drug Administration, six weeks after convicting him of corruption.

Zheng was executed Tuesday morning following the approval by the Supreme People's Court of the death sentence passed against him on May 29, the government's official Xinhua news agency said.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Go Cindy!

(CNN) — Despite swearing off public life earlier this year, peace activist Cindy Sheehan would run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as an independent in 2008 unless the speaker moves to impeach President Bush, a Sheehan spokeswoman said Sunday.

Sheehan, a northern California resident, is taking part in a protest caravan from President Bush’s home in Crawford, Texas, to Washington, which is scheduled to arrive July 23. Spokeswoman Tiffany Burns told CNN that Sheehan would challenge the speaker, who has held her San Francisco-area seat since 1987, unless Pelosi introduces articles of impeachment before then.

There was no immediate reaction from Pelosi’s office to Sheehan’s threat. The speaker said in November that calls for impeaching Bush were “off the table,” but that Congress would push for an end to the widely unpopular, 4-year-old war under Democratic control.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Bad apples and oranges

If President Bill Clinton got away with lying to a grand jury when he was president, why shouldn't I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, whose 30-month sentence was commuted by President Bush this week?

The question begs for a good answer, and there is at least one.

A Republican-controlled House impeached Mr. Clinton, a Democrat, after he perjured himself in a civil case. He was then tried in the Republican-controlled Senate and acquitted - unlike Mr. Libby.

Mr. Libby was prosecuted for criminal offenses by a Republican-appointed prosecutor, tried before a judge and convicted - unlike Mr. Clinton - of perjury and obstruction of justice. The presiding judge, incidentally, is also a Republican appointee.

The difference between conviction and acquittal seems to be lost on those who agreed with Mr. Bush that this convict doesn't belong in prison.

Maybe the 30-month sentence was excessive, but zero time is a joke for a high government official who betrayed the public trust and endangered a CIA agent's life by participating in her outing.

On average, perjury convictions draw 17 months behind bars, according to the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff, who also is a friend of the president, won't spend 17 minutes in prison.

Martha Stewart and countless other less famous perjurers served time. But Mr. Libby's defenders say their man has been punished enough: He paid a $250,000 fine Thursday, remains on probation for two years and possibly will lose his license to practice law.

Not so fast. Mr. Bush said he would not rule out an eventual pardon, which would wipe the slate clean for Mr. Libby. This simply doesn't jibe with the image of a president who spent his public career cultivating a law-and-order image.
The Hartford Courant

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Yesterday, George Bush decided to let Scooter Libby, the one man who was convicted for the lies around the Iraq war, avoid serving out his prison sentence. Even Paris Hilton served more jail time than he will. And letting Libby off the hook is only the most recent example of a consistent Bush administration pattern of obstruction of justice. Warrantless wiretaps, Alberto Gonzalez, the original outing of Valerie Plame; we're all familiar with the numerous past transgressions by these criminals.

As they say in civics class, America is a country of laws, not of men. It's time for Congress to stand up and use those laws to rid our country of the men who are systematically dismantling our constitution and ignoring the checks and balances that have always protected our democracy. Bush and Cheney think their administration is above the law. That's un-American, and this July 4th it's time for Congress to re-assert its constitutional authority and stop the administration's obstruction of justice.

Congress can start by demanding answers from the Bush administration about the Iraq war and their illegal spying program, and not backing down until they get them. Cheney won't testify? Subpoena him. He won't come? Hold him in contempt of Congress and send over the police. And if that doesn't work, impeach the guy. We just can't let President Bush and his administration continue to wipe their feet on our Constitution.

Let's celebrate Independence Day by reaffirming the basic, founding idea of our government: No one, not even the president of the United States, is above the law. Sign this petition to urge Congress to act NOW! If enough of us make enough noise, and for long enough, and from all corners of our country, then perhaps this Congress will stiffen it's spine and move to remedy the poison that has seeped into our land for far too long now.

After you've signed the petition and pestered your own Congress critter, join me by copying this post to your own blog, and adding your blog to the list below. Let's take this message of unity and support to every corner of America, and show just how many of us are ready to take back America!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


1.- Copy and paste this message as a new post on your own blog.

2. - Replace one of the “Impeach NOW” tags in the matrix below with your anchor text (Blog name) of choice with your blog’s URL (Don't hesitate to e-mail me if you have questions about this!). Please keep anchor text to a max of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.

3. - Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.
4.- The above steps will not only add your voice to the chorus for impeachment, but will also increase your Technorati stats as an added bonus.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We, the undersigned bloggers of America, agreeing that dissent is the truest form of patriotism, hereby publicly voice our unanimous discontent with the Bush administration and beseech the Congress of the United States of America to provide redress by immediately initiating impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush and Richard Cheney.
Left in Aboite Fort Wayne Left Left of Centrist Monticello America Weeps Get Your Own Let's Talk AboutAnti-bush pro-usa ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW ImpeachNOW

...but he wasn't a bushie... and wasn't cheney's stooge. So where's the problem?

Bush Filed a Motion Last Year to Uphold the 33-Month Sentence of Victor Rita, a 24-Year Marine Corps Vet Convicted on Same Crimes as Libby

Last month, the Supreme Court agreed with the Bush Justice Dept., ruling against Rita’s appeal for a reduced sentence based his exemplary military service.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July

May we be able to fight our way back out of oppression and tyranny like they did. Overthrow king George the Stupid and press for impeachment.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007

Bush throws another shovelful of dirt on America

Libby doesn't go to jail. Bush bails his buddy out. Surprise surprise.
Criminals work with criminals. Law and order is the new American myth

And impeachment is still off the table I guess.

In a written statement commuting the jail sentence, issued hours after Monday's ruling, Bush called the sentence "excessive," and suggested that Libby will pay a big enough price for his conviction.

"The consequences of his felony conviction on his former life as a lawyer, public servant, and private citizen will be long-lasting," he said.

The President, who has been under great pressure to pardon Libby, said Libby was given "a harsh sentence based in part on allegations never presented to the jury."

When will congress open their eyes?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I friggin give up.

Bush wins, anerica loses.

It's amazing. He owns the courts, he owns congress he owns the media.

Cheney runs the government and sets his own rules and is accountable to nobody.. Should be front page friggin news and if you're lucky you catch a little article in the corner of the paper.

the whole Gonzales thing... Havent seen anything at all about that lately.

Bin Laden.... Who cares, I guess

Not to forget Iraq and the lies, 911 that more and more I think our government orchestrated, Katrina, wiretapping, the VA hospital fiasco, torture as the norm, etc etc

And our pack of cowards and liars themselves in congress bend over and wait for him.

And our media prints what he wants them to print and DOESN'T print what he doesn't want to hear

And America want things changed

Where are the investigations, the subpoenas? Christ, Clinton got some head and they were all over him like white on rice. And our congress, the big bad Democrats that were gonna clean house? Nothing. Dribs, drabs, underlings, but why isn't Rove, Cheney, Bush going through the car wash? And what happened to the subpoenas for Meirs and Taylor? Did they and bush say screw you and that was it?

And nobody friggin cares

And if you write congress nobody answers, nobody explains.

there should be an uproar going on right now that can be heard in Iraq. There should be marches and demonstrations and the cry for impeachment should be deafening. These assholes should be rotting in jail for the rest of their days.

Nothing... Crickets

Seig heil I guess is in order. And America deserves it

Monday, June 25, 2007

Top ten reasons to impeach the dick and the bush

Click on the title to go to Buzzflash and see what their readers think are the top ten reasons to impeach the Dynamic Duo of lies and crime

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Let's hope they stick with it

Washington, D.C. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel
issued the following statement regarding his amendment to cut funding
for the Office of the Vice President from the bill that funds the
executive branch. The legislation -- the Financial Services and General
Government Appropriations bill -- will be considered on the floor of
the House of Representatives next week.

"The Vice President has a choice to make. If he believes his legal
case, his office has no business being funded as part of the executive
branch. However, if he demands executive branch funding he cannot
ignore executive branch rules. At the very least, the Vice President
should be consistent. This amendment will ensure that the Vice
President's funding is consistent with his legal arguments. I have
worked closely with my colleagues on this amendment and will continue
to pursue this measure in the coming days."

Frick & Frack

Alternative News Links

The mainstream media IS NOT going to tell us what is really going on in today's society. We are spoon fed corporate propaganda by TV, "newspapers", etc. every day. This site has few places where you can read the other side of the story.

Click title to get there

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bush relates to stem cells cause thats all the brains HE has

Let's see... Don't use stem cells from embryos that would be discarded anyway and the results of research might save millions of lives,because it would be "taking human life" and he's "morally" against it.

3500 Americans killed in Iraq, and 70,000 Iraqi civilians dead, That's OK with him, come on, let's kill more, let's surge, let's kill some Iranians too!

Guess he just wants the embryos to grow up and be able to feel the pain of bullets ripping through them before they die.

But go ahead and support him, you republicans. Nobody override Bush, he's the decider, he's the leader.

Pathetic puppets.....

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

America: The country where politicians give the finger to the majority of the citizens


Well, at least the comedy's over. We have a one party system, i.e., the Democratic/Republican Party.

Over and over and again the Democratic Congress (what a laugh!) isn't just "Republican Light", it's a dark brew of Cheney/Halliburton and the Bush Royal Family. We elected these clowns to defend our Democratic Republic, but their only concern is power and money.

Oh God, tell us it ain't so! Tell us that aside from a handful of liberal/progressive heroes, the Democratic Party exactly equals the Republican Party. The days of yore when Democrats distanced themselves from Iraq are over forever; since it's now crystal clear the Iraq Oil War (and probably the Iran Oil War to come) is a Democratic/Republican War. It's not just Bush and his fascists & fundamentalists; it's James Carville, the DLC, and Hillary Clinton; it's the MAJORITY of the Democratic Congress. DEMOCRATS want this war just as much as Republicans.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Oil companys win again

WASHINGTON — A push from Congress and the White House for huge increases in biofuels, such as ethanol, is prompting the oil industry to scale back its plans to expand refineries. That could keep gasoline prices high, possibly for years to come.

With President Bush calling for a 20 percent reduction in gasoline use and the Senate debating legislation for increases in ethanol production, oil companies say they see growing uncertainty about future gasoline demand and little need to build or expand refineries.


I don't get it

Why is there not a national furor over this administration? Sure if you go to liberal websites or radio stations they talk, yell, sob etc. about it, by why is there not a nationwide scream going out?

Why are the Republicans defending his actions? Don't they understand that he's bringing down the whole party with him? Can't they admit that bad apples are in ANY barrel and do the right thing? It would surely help THEIR image too to get rid of this germ.

Don't Americans see that he's ruined our image around the world and made us either a laughing stock or had US labeled as terrorists in a good portion of the world.

Can't Americans see that he's slowly burning our constitution and everything we ever stood for?

Can't Americans see that there are none now, and never will be, a winner in Iraq? There will just be truckloads of our money and plane loads of dead servicemen.The only way we win is to get out of there before more Americans die for Bush's dreams.

Why do you have to go to blogs or liberal websites to find out whats going on. Has he bought out the media as well?

Why do our representatives just ignore what we want? How can they say "This is what Americans want" about issues like Iraq and wiretapping when every poll shows it's a crock of shit?

Why are we, in general, just shaking our heads and going about our business? Why aren't we screaming for impeachment? Why do we let this administration veto OUR wants and just sigh and say "what can we do?"

We, the Americans that let them get away with these atrocities are just as guilty as the administration that's been taking over our country.

Remember Germany. That was one man, one horrible group of people, who almost ended up ruling the world. Can we not learn from past mistakes?

Recall McCain

If you're from Arizona and want to clean up at least a little bit of the mess that is our government:

go here

White house aides Email records gone

or Geeze. what a shock!

WASHINGTON (AP) — E-mail records are missing for 51 of the 88 White House officials who had electronic message accounts with the Republican National Committee, the House Oversight Committee said Monday.

The Bush administration may have committed "extensive" violations of a law requiring that certain records be preserved, said the committee's Democratic chairman, adding that the panel will deepen its probe into the use of political e-mail accounts.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Dare We Call It Tyranny?

Dare We Call It Tyranny?: "Dare We Call It Tyranny?
by Sheldon Richman, June 15, 2007

The American people’s response to President Bush’s “war on terror” should be … terror. The administration, sometimes with Congress’s complicity:

# is preparing for a 50-year stay in Iraq, complete with 14 military bases and an embassy larger than the Vatican. (Can there be a better recruiting program for al Qaeda?)

# has abolished habeas corpus, the principle that for centuries has protected people from arbitrary confinement, for noncitizens declared to be “enemy combatants.” (While the federal courts have upheld the abolition of habeas corpus for detainees at Guantanamo Bay and elsewhere overseas, fortunately an appellate court has just ruled against the administration in the case of a legal U.S. resident, Kahlah al-Marri, arrested in the United States, a ruling the administration is appealing.)

# unilaterally claims the power to use “enhanced interrogation techniques” — torture — on suspected terrorists and to turn them over to foreign governments known to torture prisoners. This has been done to persons later cleared of wrongdoing.

# runs secret CIA prisons in Europe and elsewhere. Thirty-nine persons seized abroad and believed to have been in U.S. custody have disappeared, according to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

# violates our privacy by secretly accessing foreign phone calls, e-mails, and financial and other records — approved, if at all, only by a rubber-stamp “court.”

# conducts searches without notice or judicially issued warrants. The administration’s assurances that it does not engage in misconduct are worth little, considering what has already come to light.

To hold onto the support of the American people for this dictatorial power, the Bush administration has engaged in its own form of terrorism by exposing domestic “plots” involving small rag-tag groups allegedly bent on, among other things, attacking Fort Dix and blowing up fuel tanks and pipelines near JFK International Airport. The pipeline plot, U.S. Attorney Roslynn R. Mauskopf said, “could have resulted in unfathomable damage, deaths and destruction.” Yet people who actually understand these things say this is far-fetched.

It looks as though we are being terrorized by the government. To be sure, there must be a few people in the country who, for whatever reason, talk about blowing something up. But skepticism about these supposed threats is in order: the alleged plotters were exposed by FBI informants trying to get their own criminal sentences reduced. There is a fine line between an informant desperate to cooperate with law enforcement and an agent provocateur — the facts are easily concealed.

The government’s past conduct justifies suspicion. Remember Jose Padilla. He first came to our attention in 2002 when then-Attorney General John Ashcroft interrupted a visit to Russia to make a dramatic television announcement that Padilla, an American citizen, had been seized in Chicago for allegedly planning to detonate a dirty (radiation) bomb in the United States. For years Padilla, a former gang leader who talked big, was held — uncharged — in solitary confinement (tortured and drugged, he says) by the military as an unlawful enemy combatant. When he asked the courts to review his detention, the Bush administration objected on grounds that Padilla was entitled to no protections accorded criminal defendants. He eventually got his case into court, but an initially favorable decision was reversed on appeal. Before the Supreme Court could hear the case, the government moved it to the civilian courts, and Padilla is now standing trial. But he was not charged with plotting to set off a dirty bomb in the United States. Instead, he was charged with planning to commit terrorism in other countries. The U.S. government is the world’s policeman.

Avoiding the Supreme Court by taking Padilla to criminal trial enabled the administration to protect its power to hold “enemy combatants” without charge indefinitely, but now the al-Marri ruling makes it a virtual certainty the issue will go to the Supreme Court. If the administration prevails, Padilla’s acquittal wouldn’t guarantee his freedom.

Presidential power grabs and unlikely plots: if this doesn’t add up to tyranny, what would?

Sheldon Richman is senior fellow at The Future of Freedom Foundation, author of Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State, and editor of The Freeman magazine. Visit his blog “Free Association” at Send him email.

That's my bushie, head up ass as usual

Boy, for a bunch that's doing nothing wrong, they sure as hell don't want to be checked up on. I don't know what they're hiding (well I DO, but...)

and negotiation with the friggin bush administration? Since when do we have to negotiate with these assholes to get evidence in an investigation??
Kyl blocks domestic surveillance subpoenas.

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) yesterday blocked Judiciary Committee vote on whether to authorize subpoenas to obtain secret documents related to the NSA’s warrantless domestic surveillance program. Kyl’s action “will block the vote for a week,” after which the Committee will “decide whether to issue the subpoenas or use them as leverage in negotiations with the Bush administration over access to the documents.” June 15, 2007 1:21 pm

Friday, June 15, 2007

Deja Vu

This is a post I made almost 2 years ago on another website I used to have. Sad thing is, it still applies

I am sick of my country. I love what our country started out being, I love what our forefathers meant for our country to be, what it could have still been if not for greed and stupidity.

I hate what it's become.

I hate politicians that wage their own private battles against each other's party, and WE'RE the casualties of that war.

I hate the fact that we've turned into the world's bully.

I hate the companies that have become the leaders of our country with their lobbies, profits from OUR pockets, and their influence on our country.

I hate voters that blindly follow their party no matter what they do.

I hate the far right conservatives AND the far left liberals.

I hate the fact that we've stopped having a government by the people and for the people.

I hate the fact that it doesn't matter where we WANT our tax dollars to go, they're going to pork bloated who-gives-a-fuck projects that apparently are filling our so-called representatives pockets.

I hate that our representative aren't representing us anymore.

I hate our president and our vice president. They've been the biggest mistake that we've made in history. Two oil people running the country. Is it no surprise that we're in our second war in 5 years in oil producing countries, and the oil companies are all reporting record profits? Talk about the kids running the candy store.

I hate the war, it's only purpose is to get the people WE support (and who will support us) into office there so Bush can have all the influence he can get in the oilfields there. I support the troops entirely, in fact I'm scared to death for them. Honor the troops, good idea... let them come home... on their own two feet, not in a box... and rejoin their families.

I hate that the so-called reason for said wars is still running free. Remember Osama?

And I hate the fact that there seems to be nothing we can do about it anymore.

Sure you'll say "then leave". Shades of Vietnam... "Love it or leave it"

Sure, that's constructive. That solves the problem. Idiots. How bout "Love it, leave it, or fix it"

I'd rather you tell me how it can be fixed. The people here have the money to fix most anything, if the politicians and businesses keep their greedy sweaty pig-hands out of the pot.

Don't tell me to write my representatives. I have, on at least three occasions, got a form letter out of one of them, once. Apparently McCain, Flake, and Kyl can't be bothered.

Don't tell me to vote, I do that, even though last time the choices were pretty slim, the monkeyman or Lurch.

I love America... I love Americans. I hate, I detest, I loath what the American government has become. I'd love to be proud of America again. That would take cleaning house entirely and getting honest people in office.

Could it happen? It could. Will it? I doubt that. Power is expensive, and honesty doesn't pay as well as greed, lying and selling out the office you're running for before you even have it.

I can wish... I can hope...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Scooter riding

I dunno, best possible scenario in my mind is for Libby to go to jail, and have bush say well screw this, if I pardon him I'll get lynched. Ol Scooter figures he got the short end of the stick and will get the long end of a few sticks in prison and decides to sing like a bird in return for a much shortened sentence and implicates the whole freakin bunch of em, including bush and cheney, and that starts the grand slide to impeachment-land.

I can dream, can't I?

By the way


National Resources
US Congress
The Congressional switchboard# is

Tell your representatives what you want done. DEMAND your country back. DEMAND that bush's crews must testify under oath. DEMAND we stay out of Iran and not listen to the latest batch of crap being throw by that weird little man, the representative from Israel, Lieberman (I'm originally from Connecticut, he sucked then, he sucks now). Remind them of what happened in the '06 elections, and remind them that they goddamn well still work for US and not bush, and remind them that they'll be out of a job in 2008 if they don't friggin start listening!

It's your country, have a say in it.

subpoenas and other nocturnal emissions

Well let's see what the bushmonster will do about this (like we don't know). We know he wants nothing to do with having people in the know testify under oath cause he knows that Rove and possibly bush would fry. Let's see if he gets away once again with dictating the law of the country, or the courts and congress will turn American and not let him get away with it.

Being the magnanimous dictator that he is, he has agreed to have his bushmonkeys testify "in private without an oath and without a transcript" so they can lie as usual and not be charged with doing it under oath.

Bullshit. Feet to the fire and quick or he'll just run out the clock with his batch of new lawyers that WE have to pay for.

I hope the country doesn't cave at his feet again, although I'm losing faith in ANY of the values that made America the great country it USED to be.

Then again,maybe if he gets diarrhea he'll drown all the republicans in congress that have their their heads up his ass and we can take our country back....

Pretty sick when my biggest wet dream is to see bush and company behind bars. WHATS HAPPENED TO ME!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals

Lest we've forgotten all the little turds that has made up this gigantic pile of shit we call an administration:

Hugh's List of Bush Scandals

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Well, I was mistaken

Back some, I said that writing to these useless twits we call congressmen does no good since I've written to McCain, Kyl, and Flake numerous times and never gotten an answer. Well someone musta listened, cause I got mail from the friggin IRS (nowadays turned into the Iraqi Revenue Service) saying I owed 700 bucks from two years ago.

Here ya go, guys, My part in the war effort, buy a few body bags, I know you'll fill em fast. Screw enough Americans and who knows, McCain, you might get into Iran after all. Or heres a thought bush, cut back on the millions you're letting the oil companies walk away from in taxes, and you all might be able to conquer the world! (I can imagine that's an wet dream for you)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

So take that, guiliani

Good God... Good sense? Getting so the good sense seems like fiction nowdays

A Patriot's Answer to Rudy Giuliani

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Please explain

Why is the onus on the Democrats to support the troops by sending a "clean bill" to bush and not on bush to sign a bill to get money to the troops even if it means a non binding withdrawal date? Bush want the money, bush didn't plan for it in his 2007 budget. If HE needs the money for HIS war why does HE hold all the cards. No, I believe since this war was started by republicans, THEY should be the ones getting the money to the troops in whatever way they can. It's like if a friend wanted to borrow 50 bucks to take his girl out to dinner, and I say OK, but you have to lend me one of your CD's, it's his choice, but if he doesn't agree, he doesn't get the money. I'm sure as hell not going to negotiate the fact... It's not MY fault he didn't plan well enough to have the money himself, it's not MY responsibility to make sure he has money for dinner and getting lucky.

I understand that we're talking about troops not dinner, and the stakes are higher, but damn, who the hell PUT them there? I'd say since HE did, he damned well should get the money any way he can, and if he's too stupid to, the Republicans in congress should damn well drop their little (r)'s, do whats right, and override this assholes vetoes.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This guy is lost in Napolean-land

bush is losing it more and more every day... anyone read this?

click here

In case of emergency, this asshole is effectively dictator of the USA, and congress has no say in anything.

Read it... be afraid... be very afraid

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Hear that? It's the sound of the democrats caving in to bush.

I can't say I've ever had such disgust for a president in my life. Even Nixon had some morals and did some good, but this abortion of a man is a disgrace to his office, to America, and to the human race. He cares nothing about the troops as long as HE gets his way and can be "the decider". He cares nothing about America. bush cares about bush. period.

And the Democrats caved.

They were the only chance our troops had to get out from under this dictators thumb.

And they caved.

Does ANYONE in congress have any balls?

The blood is on bush's hands and the mental midgets that follow him. Every soldier that comes back in a casket is the fault of bush and the republicans that are tied to him by party lines and can't think for themselves. The followers that can't have their own opinion because bush says they cant.

And now the blood falls on the democrat's hands.

because they caved.

Monday, May 21, 2007

McCain - poor excuse for a congressman

Hey McCain, why don't you click on the title of this post and take a look at the people you, your brave fellow congressmen and your "leaders" have sent to their death in the name of BushDemocracy (which means dictatorship I guess, cause thats where he's trying to go in America).

Take a hard look...

Think of the families that have been ruined in the name of oil and bush's redemption of his father. Think about the kids that will never know their father or mother. Think of the parents that got the notice that their son or daughter died "in the line of duty".

For "weapons of mass destruction" that weren't there...
For Saddam, who in case nobody in Washington has noticed is dead...
For a country that wants us the hell out of there
For bush and cheney, the worst administration in American history
No compromise.... No listening... Just give em the money so we can continue to let our troops die... Veto...Veto

And you and Kyl follow

Hardly would be a fair trade if it were your kids, your parents, your wife getting blown up I bet.

Think back when you were a POW, McCain. You survived it, THESE brave soldiers didn't. You came home... THESE brave soldiers didn't.

Their wives and husbands are widows and widowers, their kids lost a parent, their parents lost a son or daughter. They have memories and a folded up flag. THEY can be proud, the soldiers are amazing.

Are YOU proud, McCain? Does it feel good to follow the high moral standards of bush and cheney?

"Cut and run", a typical republican kind of term. If you don't do what we want you're cowards. If you don't bow to your president's wishes you're a traitor. Do what we say and ask no questions, that's the Republican's idea of democracy.

"Cut and run" would be pretty viable option to our fallen soldier's families to get their kids and parents and spouses back I bet... running from an illegal and immoral war that we have no business being in would be a viable option..."cutting and running" would beat dying in the desert cause some jamoke decided to join Allah and take a bunch of Americans with him. Where are bush's kids? Are they dying in Iraq? How about Cheneys daugher?

Where are all the congressmen's kids and wives? How many of them have died in Iraq?

Easy to stand and bluster and spout about winning and staying the course when you have nothing to lose.

Follow Bush, McCain, Follow cheney, Kyl. Be good little puppets.

you don't even have the guts to answer email sent to you by the people in your own state and neither does Kyl, never have, never will. Brave congressmen... Loyal bushies. Ignore anyone who disagrees with you. Nobody without an (R) next to their name has a reason or a right to disagree. Screw us, eh McCain?

Brave men in congress, Brave republicans. Easy to send soldiers out to die in a civil war isn't it? In the name of the almighty bush, in the name of the almighty dollar, in the name of power.

Go put on a bulletproof vest, have helicopters circling overhead and have a shitload of brave soldiers be between you and the bullets that might come at you then say "see, it's safe here, we're succeeding"

Wow, McCain, you're my hero

And you want to be president... would be like trading rotten apples for rotten pears, the names would be different but they'd still make you sick.

YOU get a life, McCain, and let our soldiers have theirs.

Dream happy, McCain, you still have Iran.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The whole freakin congress is filled with idiots

I give up. Our government has turned to shit. We have the president, who's always been a moron, but he's a stubborn moron and now a vengeful one. We have a vice president that belongs on the Sci-fi channel. Rice is pretty much ineffective since she's just bush's shadow, following his lead and wiping his ass. Then we have congress, the republican side whose balls are firmly held by Bush and the democrat side who apparently have no balls at all since they've decided that "impeachment is not on the table" even though he's screwed this country up beyond all recognition.

The democrats want to have a no confidence vote against Gonzales, yet another one of the republican hairs growing out of bush's ass who turns the constitution into bush's little playground, and the republicans come back with "oh yeah? Maybe we should get a no confidence vote against Reid."

It's one big preschool, complete with bullies, geeks, cowards and whiners all boo-hooing about how the others aren't playing right and having tantrums.

Unfortunately our soldiers are run by this little bunch of babies. The soldiers, remember them? The ones who ARE doing their jobs? The ones that bush is holding hostage to prove whatever point might be rattling around in his empty little head?

"Support our troops." Make them be targets in a country where they're hated, to give them bush's wierdass form of democracy.

Babies running the country.... democrats.... republicans

makes me sick

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Email sent to my "representatives"

Sent this to my representatives. I hope you all will write to yours too and let them know what you think. Will it help? Who knows. Can it hurt? No.

I support revoking the authorization for war in Iraq. The war was based on
lies and greed, and now it's just become a killing field for our men.
McCain, Kyl and Flake, all of you are just as responsible for every dead
body that comes home as your leader is, and we, the American people, will
hold you to that responsibility.

Your leader bush has become delusional and wrapped in a little bubble of
ego. The first 5 years of his term he vetoed one bill, now he's vetoing
them all before they even get to him, whether about the war, stem cell
research, or importing drugs. He's a menace to this country as are all of
you who follow him in the name of "party unity".

Call it cut and run, call it anything you like but stop allowing these
morons with bombs on their backs to kill our sons, daughters, brothers,
sisters, parents and friends. You know in your hearts that you will never
stop what goes on over there, it's not "them against us", it's "them
against them" with us just being a minor barricade between them to be
killed as we would kill a bug.

If there was a chance of winning, if anyone in your little elite group
could even define "winning" then we might stand a chance. But it's become
"bush's war", a personal thing to him, and death be damned, he's going to
veto anything except for a blank check.

Don't follow him down his path of destruction. For once, listen to those
who elected you, or we'll elect representatives who really represent.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I wish I could understand Republicans

How can they support this administration of misfits?

How can they say Democrats aren't supporting the troops when all they want to do is get them out of a war that's not ours to begin with and back with their families without being in a box with a flag over it?

How can they think that if we leave Iraq the terrorists will "follow us home"? Guess what, folks, they're already here as was seen with the terrorists planning to shoot up the military at Fort Dix?

How can they join up with this pack of liars and crooks? Are their wallets and the money lobbyists put in them that much more important than any pride they have? We know Bush and Cheney have no conscious, but I would have hoped more congressmen would have.

Can't wait till '08 to see this abortion of an administration leave, with a trail of Republican congressmen being voted out to follow their leader.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Something new!

Here's something new! Once again the drug companies have bought our congress and president! the senate has effectively squashed getting prescriptions outside the US and allowing us to save some money! Nice to know the people who represent us are for sale to the highest bidder! Wonder what it would cost US to buy some representatives to represent US instead of drugs, oil, car makers etcetcetc. Oh, that's right, that hefty chunk that comes out of our paycheck every week is SUPPOSED to be doing that.

Assholes. THEN the republicans start spewing their "terror song" again, oh, our enemies could put Anthrax in bottles of Lipador or some other drug if it were from outside the US where our high tech government couldn't monitor them.I Don't remember reading that Canadians are dropping like flies from bad drugs...

Our government couldn't monitor it's way out of a friggin paper bag, I'd feel a lot more comfortable with the Canadian government doing the monitoring than our own. Why, since we can't buy from anywhere else, can't our so-called government find out why a bottle of anything is twice the price here as it is across the borders? If it wasn't, there'd be no need to go anywhere else.

Oh, that's right, this is OUR government, again, they're owned by big business, same reason nobody cares where gas prices are going.

Why don't we just pay our taxes to the drug companies and the oil companies and cut out the middle man...

Friday, May 4, 2007

Morning TV

I'm one of those people who get up at 3 in the morning. Not because I necessarily want to, just thats when I wake up. So I get up, let the dog out, have a cup of coffee, made in a Senseo, (pretty good coffee, but sounds like a DC-10 taking off), turn on the computer, then turn on the TV (Muted of course or I'd know how it'd feel to have 9 inches of butcher knife ticking my aorta courtesy of Dear Wife)

Lots of choices here.

37 stations of paid programs AKA really long commercials starring really stupid people...
Fresh Prince of Belair
Jerry Springer (always a classic)
Two hours of Andy Griffith
The 700 club
4 movies from before I was born, and I'm an old fart myself
3 Home improvement shows (yeah, a real pick me up for lazyasses like me)
La Hora de la Papa (huh?)
Fox and friends (hahahahah yeah right)

Let me turn up the volume real loud, that butcher knife is looking like a viable option...

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

2008 - the fall of the Republican empire

I don't get the republican congress. It's well known that the American people want out of Iraq. It's well known that Bush is one hated sonofabitch around the world and in his own country. 2008 is coming up fast.

Do they think we'll forget? Do they think their alliance with bush will help them? Do they believe this bullshit that the terrorists will "follow us here" if we leave there? Comon, these people strap bombs on their own friggin backs, do you think they care?

Cut and run... wonderful phrase. That's like putting the soldiers in the middle of the Long Island expressway and saying that if you want them to go to the edge of the road you're a coward, you've got to leave them in harms way even though they ain't gonna stop those cars. The phrase for that is "stay and be dead"

We won't forget. We voted out you idiots in 2006 but I guess not quite enough of you... but a hell of a lot more of you will go away in 2008, good riddance to bad trash. bush is covered, cheney is safe, they're paving their own way to a rich rest-of-their-lives. He won't even help you steal the elections, even though he's an expert at it, because HE won't benefit.

So the countdown continues, this reign of terror will topple just like Hitler's did... And you bushies will go down in history as sharing the guilt.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


We can't withdraw...

We can't even THINK about withdrawing...

If Iraq doesn't pull it's weight, we can't do anything to make em do it...

We have to play nice with the people who are bombing the shit out of our guys, then making us pay for it.

bush's one option is...


That's it, I'd even vote for Hillary over him. He's hit rock bottom

By the way, bushieboy, soldiers are just as dead if a car bomb blows then to hell as they are when a grenade does.

Just so you know, in case you might want to include ALL the reasons for dying in your stats, not just the convenient ones

McCain learns a new buzzphrase

McCain on the Bomb Iran song...
McCain to the viewers of John Stewart
McCain here in Tempe, AZ to people that want out of the war

THAT'S the kind of president I want by God, no compassion, no debate, no brains, just HIS viewpoint.

oh... we already have one of those kinds of presidents...

Why would we want another?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Want to get sick? click this title

Here's bushie boy's 2007 budget. Note that Defense is 439 billion out out a total of 870 billion. Note that defense spending went up 24% and Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education went down 4%. Guess the pen ISN'T mightier that the sword... By the way,this is between 2006 and 2007, boys and girls, not prewar to now!

Look it over. Here's your tax dollars at work.

Oh boy, now lets go invade Iran and Syria!

What happened to representation? It's lost in Arizona.

I have in my state two senators, McCain and Kyl. I have a "representative", Flake. The three of them are as useless as tits on a bull. I write them regularly, and to date McCain and Kyl haven't even deemed it necessary to acknowledge that I exist, and Flake has answered with a couple of form letters.

Now I know it takes up a lot of time pimping the war whore president's agendas and it MUST be hard to do much with their noses up his ass, but why the hell do people say "write your congressmen" when I'd get the same results picking lint from my bellybutton.

McCain is also doing double duty what with his campaigning and all, the poor man doesn't even have time to do the job he's being overpaid to do, how dare we expect him to vote or do things in Washington that senators are expected to do. It's not that he'll ever win any election or anything, he's been kissing up to bush too much for that, you're known by the company you keep.

Kyl, you know he was one pubic hair from losing the last election, so he also knows his days are numbered in '08.

ahhh, '08.... good riddance to bad trash, the house will be cleaned and democrat or republican, we've got to fare better then having all of you. And getting rid of bush and MadDog cheney and rice, the thoughts are almost orgasmic.

Plus I look forward to the future when everything will come out about the administration's reign of stupidity, greed and terror, and they will be disgraced to a point that will make Nixon look like a saint. And the three of you can ride the coattails of THAT whole trainwreck.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Things I don't get

Why, when a clear majority of Americans want out of Bush's war, do the republicans keep there noses up bush's ass and follow him? He's out in at most a year and a half, and at best whenever we get the balls to impeach him and his pet bulldog. Then these "loyal bushies" are in a world of hurt.

How do we "win" this war?

Don't tell me the "terrorists will follow us here" if we leave there. NOW would seems to be the best time for then to "follow us here" when most of our boys (and girls) are over there fighting their friggin civil war. If and when they come has nothing to do with any war, it's not like their stretching THEIR armed forces, all they need is a moron with a bomb up his butt.

Why haven't these yahoos we call an administration been impeached, if for nothing else (and there's plenty else) than for conning us into a war that takes our soldiers lives for what? So we could spread bush's brand of democracy over there? Hell, he's taking away OUR democracy here, HE'S the expert?. We wanted Saddam,. we got Saddam, what the hell else do we want? Their "government" is content to let us fight the war, reconstruct, and do whatever else we're stupid enough to do and pay for. To an common Iraqi, WE'RE the terrorists, WE invaded their country, WE killed their people. Haven't seen a whole lot of cheering over there for us "liberators".

What about Tillman?

What about Osama?

What about New Orleans?

What about Habeas Corpus?

what about wiretapping?

What HAS he done right?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rudy,Rudy... Grow a brain

Tuesday Giuliani was in Manchester, NH and said that a Democratic presidential win in 2008 would almost certainly ensure another terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11. But ol Rudy knows how to prevent it.... “If any Republican is elected president —- and I think obviously I would be the best at this — we will remain on offense and will anticipate what [the terrorists] will do and try to stop them before they do it.”

The guy's got the smarts of a chipmunk. (sorry, chipmunks)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Well well, Rove being investigated by the Office of Special Councel. This is a good thing.


I can't say I'm feeling real confident that this will be too impartial with one of bush's boys, Bloch, investigating one of Bush's boys, Rove. Hope congress keeps an eye on the whole thing, hate for it to turn into a good ol boy get-together that does nothing useful.

where's Kenneth Starr when you need him.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sound familiar?

left or right, there's the difference

Let's see Democrats have a bill that has a non binding withdrawal date.
bush wants money, damn the troops, they'll stay as long as He want because HE's the and will veto the bill because it's not 100 percent what HE wants.

He says the Democrats are putting the troops at risk.

if he signed the bill, the money would flow.... and the withdrawal would be nonbinding...

If he doesn't it's the Democrat's fault that they don't get the funding needed...

Guess it comes down to don't screw with King bush and Queen cheney because THAT'S all that matters, the troops are just a convenient excuse to him. What the hell, the troops have been screwed by bush ever since the war started, why should he give a damn now?

Monday, April 23, 2007

Let's go back... way back... September 2001. We all know the horrible acts that Osama bin Laden masterminded... We attack Afghanistan... Then all of a sudden bush and his Cronies are pushing for Iraq and it's WMD's and boom, we're shocking and aweing the hell out of them. Axis of evil and all that rot... Gotta get Saddam, gotta get Saddam

We got Saddam. Rarely hear about Osama any more except for when he puts out a video.

Why the switch? Why after Saddam swung are we still there. bush got what he wanted, Daddy's nemesis.

What is a "won" war, what's bush's criteria. Does HE tell us when it's time to leave?

What about Osama?

Is there a limit to the Americans who die in Iraq, or is that "at the president's pleasure" too?

How do we win? No timelines, ok fine. Throw us a bone, give us an idea, I tend not to feel comfortable thinking that the answer is in bush's tiny little brain and there alone. All we're supposed to do is keep throwing money and lives in until.....when?

What about Osama.....

The Beginning

Just another of millions of blogs from people who love our country and hate what Bush is doing to it. I hope that Republicans read this so they can explain why they support this idiot and his highly dangerous crony Cheney. I know Republicans that always go back to "well yeah but Clinton.......". I don't care about Clinton, or at least Bill Clinton, at this point, any more than I do about Bush the first , Carter, or anything else before W. I'm developing a deep sense of disgust for this administration because they seem about as legal as Al Capone, and as moral as Attila the Hub.

I always have been an independent because I hate people on either end of the spectrum who are just political puppets who follow blindly. I've always been able to find the good and the bad in either party, but truthfully lately I'm having problems digging up anything on the conservative side.

So yes, this is a Bush-Bashing blog, but please explain why it shouldn't be. I'm still an independent at heart, I really don't have anything against conservatives, just those who can't see that being against bush ISN'T necessarily being against Republicans and DEFINITELY not against our troops. More to come.